
我曾经好多次她单独谈机会每逢此时我茶杯里哪怕才刚刚喝了一口做过小餐馆员她都要赶紧地拿起茶杯去我加水举步连蹦带跳我必须承认己对她充满了好奇她此快乐再想想己生活又此趣一次她甚说她可我按按头这样我就不会那么辛苦想当年她也是某某发廊手艺最好洗头工我连说不必一来是我从没因工而觉得辛苦二来是多少我还是觉得些局促这局促可证我活得多么不真实不像她几乎把每个认识人都当成了己邻居 此前见过别犯人不同不管我说什么她都点头微微笑着眼神里不断会闪过惊奇过看守生活经历人都会知道这是多么难几乎每个犯人故事都可写一绝大部分时候他们眼神里并不会相信惊奇就是在这样相信中在看守院里一丛葡萄架底我听她说起了她生镇初来武汉时在武昌南外慌张了见一个男人先冷水把己淋得重感冒然后再去病假当然她还说她爱北京天安门 她说天啦你都不知道我多慌张东西掉在地都不敢去捡回来就怕被别人当成小偷 她说天气真是冷我淋了己两桶水跑门时候觉得胳膊都要冻掉了 从四川来时候我就想要是能去天安门看一次升国旗就好了她又哈哈笑着说就像是在说别人事情后来好多次想去每次都事都把钱寄回家了咳到现在也没去成 在此前已经好几个看守同事对我说起过小梅刚被逮捕案时事情那时候论警察问什么她都拒不口后来她说她想去北京看天安门看过了天安门想说什么都可但是于纪律没人答应她求说来奇怪应该是在去年冬天我做梦时候梦见了一个在天安门看升国旗女孩朝阳初升在簇拥着人群里那个女孩抬起头来直盯盯地看着国旗并且众人一起唱国歌因激动她一直都在紧紧地攥着己小拳头 毕竟是梦境一场我相信类似情景也曾在小梅梦中现过最终她把天安门放在了脑后跟着姐妹们做操唱歌绣十字绣就像她把死放在了脑后该笑时候哈哈大笑该生气时候就把牙齿紧咬记忆中唯独一次说到死是她想听我MP3我当然就摘来给她听她对里面音乐不感兴趣我连忙问她什么并且告诉她回去后我可把她音乐拷进去等次来时候再给她听啊还可这样啊她好玩地拍打着身脚镣对着我MP3看了又看那能不能快点啊我马就要死了 More than once, I looked at Xiaomei’s back and watched me change seventy-two times in the wind and rain. This is when she sang. I really hope that this back in front of me will break free from shackles in music, run through the Wuhan bell tower and …

Ma Feiliang’s facial expression and smell speech look are completely gloomy. For Yue Bai’s branch, failure 500 years ago was their greatest shame, and the rapid rise of the branch in the East China Sea was abruptly suppressed to this day.

But fortunately, this kind of thing will eventually end, and Yue Bai’s rudder will inevitably rise again Figure to show your breath and impose if the East China Sea is divided, this means will not end up in the last place of the five divisions. This division assessment will be interesting to see how long …


The eyes of an auction house are almost condensed in this moment. The eyes of Song Tai’s body at the auction house are filled with consternation and the complexion is quite wonderful. They imagined that people would compete for this Du E Dan at a high price, but they never thought that even the super …

He thinks he is a hero, and Shengmei said with great enthusiasm that he is actually a hero. Mr. Fish is a very chivalrous man, and I am very satisfied.

Xiao Qi stared at me and finished my bowl. Sister Shengmei, thank you. I also hate the food tonight. Shengmei said with a smile that he wouldn’t hate this kind of food. We enjoyed it very much. Mr. Fish felt very happy. Xiao Qi would like to thank you for your hospitality At last, when …

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs. "Red jade is a blessing!" Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the "universal clock of heaven and earth". "Hoo!" As soon …